
Key Grid
and Market Stats

Explore some of 91³Ô¹ÏÍø’s most helpful and popular data about the region’s power system and wholesale electricity markets. Many stats illustrate the significant progress made since the ISO’s inception in developing a regional power system that is more reliable, cost-effective, and environmentally sound.

Read the Regional Electricity Outlook (REO) to learn about New England’s decarbonization journey and how the ISO is working to ensure a reliable power system and competitive wholesale electricity markets that will enable the clean-energy future.

Fast Stats

Here’s a quick look at some key statistics about the region, its high-voltage transmission system, and its wholesale electricity markets. Numbers are rounded.

Electricity Use

  • 7.5 million retail electricity customers; population 15.1 million
  • 114,726 gigawatt-hours (GWh) total annual energy served in 2023 (subject to adjustments)
  • 136,355 GWh all-time highest total annual energy served, set in 2005
  • 28,130 megawatts (MW) all-time summer peak demand, set on August 2, 2006
  • 22,818 MW all-time winter peak demand, set on January 15, 2004
  • 1.8% average annual increase in regional electricity demand forecast through 2033, factoring in forecasts for energy efficiency, behind-the-meter photovoltaics, and electrification of transportation and heating
  • 1.1% average annual increase in summer peak demand forecast through 2033 under typical weather conditions, factoring in forecasts for energy efficiency, behind-the-meter photovoltaics, and electrification of transportation and heating
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Resource Mix

  • Nearly 400 dispatchable generators
  • About 29,700 MW of generating capability
  • 99.3% of the region’s electricity in 2023 was provided by natural gas, nuclear, hydro, imported electricity (mostly hydropower from Eastern Canada), and renewables
  • About 40,000 MW of new generating capacity, proposed to be built, though many projects ultimately withdraw (source: January 2023, ISO Interconnection Request Queue)
  • More than 7,000 MW of generation have retired since 2013 or may retire in the next few years
  • About 3,600 MW of demand capacity resources (DCRs)—including active DCRs, energy efficiency, and other passive DCRs—are registered in New England
  • About 1,500 MW of imported electricity are obligated to be available for the region—mostly hydropower from Eastern Canada
  • About 350,000 distributed solar power installations totaling about 6,500Ìý²Ñ°Â (nameplate), with most connected “behind the meterâ€
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  • 9,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines (115 kV and above)
  • 13 transmission interconnections to electricity systems in New York and Eastern Canada
  • 871 project components placed in service across the region since 2002 to fortify the transmission system; 26 planned, proposed, or under construction as of the June 2024 System Plan Project List
  • 13% of region’s energy needs met by imports in 2023
  • 9 elective transmission upgrades proposed to help deliver more than 15,000 MW of clean energy to New England load centers, as of November 2023, according to the ISO Generator Interconnection Queue
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  • Around 550 buyers and sellers in the wholesale electricity marketplace
  • The average real-time price for wholesale power in New England in 2023 was $35.70 per megawatt-hour
  • $6.3 billion traded in wholesale electricity markets in 2023: $4.8 billion in energy markets and $1.5 billion in capacity and ancillary services markets
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Air Emissions

  • 98%, 79%, and 37% decrease in annual regional emissions between 2001 and 2022 for sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX), and carbon dioxide (CO2), respectively
  • 0.5% of the electricity produced in New England came from oil- or coal-fired resources in 2023, compared to 40% in 2000
  • 39% of the electricity produced in New England in 2023 came from resources that do not emit carbon dioxide
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