
91³Ô¹ÏÍø > What We Do

Our Three
Critical Roles

Reliable Electricity, Competitive Prices

91³Ô¹ÏÍø is the independent, not-for-profit company authorized by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to perform three critical, complex, interconnected roles for the region spanning Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and most of Maine. Together, these three responsibilities help protect the health of the region’s economy and the well-being of its people by ensuring the constant availability of competitively-priced wholesale electricity—today and for future generations.

Our Three Critical Roles


Grid operation:

Every minute of every day, we coordinate and direct the flow of electricity over the region's high-voltage transmission system.

Learn more about the grid.


Market administration:

We design, run, and oversee the billion-dollar markets that attract a large and diverse mix of participants to buy and sell wholesale electricity at the most competitive prices.

Learn more about the markets.


Power system planning:

We do the studies, analyses, and planning to make sure New England’s electricity needs will be met by considering the evolution of the system over the next 10 years and beyond.

Learn more about planning.

Things We Don’t Do


Handle retail electricity—the power you buy from your local utility or electric company.


Own, maintain, or repair the power grid’s infrastructure, such as power plants, power lines, and substations.


Enact or set energy policy. We do work to ensure competitive markets are open to all resources equally, including renewables.


Have a stake in companies that own the infrastructure. We do provide independent data on the state of the grid that informs policy development and solutions that yield the best possible results for the region.